3 ways to achieve focus in your work from Your Message Matters by Jonathan Milligan

N. Jerry Cho
2 min readMar 24, 2021
Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash

Milligan presents three points about focus in communication, action, and market.

1. Specific Communication

When your communication gets more specific, your message will be more persuasive. Try not to communicate a lot of things. Getting specific is not the same as just presenting a lot of information. Specific communication is zooming in on your message. Ask yourself what you are trying to communicate. What is the main thing you would like to communicate? Stay with that topic. Every single sentence in your communication should be related to the said topic. Be specific in your communication by focusing on getting one idea out.

2. Strategic Action

Your message will be more effective when you focus on doing one thing at a time. Michael Hyatt defines productivity as getting the right things done, not about getting more things done. Milligan says, you can choose to move 10 steps forward in one direction or 1 step forward in 10 directions. When you focus on one single thing at a time, your action will be incredibly effective.

3. Single Market

You want to become known for something for someone if you want to serve people with your message or product. You must ask yourself what you want to be known for. Are you the kind of person who is good at many things? If you are Jack of all trades but master of none, it’s time to choose your mastery and expertise. People should be able to associate you with a solution you are providing or a message you are communicating or a problem you are solving. What are you known for?

